Counter Vegan Heaven
By Dina Ribaudo
To some these are daunting words carrying the heft of discipline and self responsibility,
to others it is an uplifting mantra of healthful, peaceful living. When associated with
Counter Vegan Bistro these words bring thoughts of a decadent dining experience.

Arizona Wine Trail
Arizona Wine Trail By YVONNE GONZALEZ Associated Press
Published 12:56 PM MST, October 31, 2016
CORNVILLE, Ariz. (AP) — The famed red rocks of Sedona draw visitors from around the world. But less than half an hour away from Sedona’s tourist crowds is an attraction that might surprise out-of-towners: Arizona’s Verde Valley Wine Trail, complete with vineyards tucked into volcanic rock and limestone, with grapevines growing within view of the tasting rooms.

New York Taste 2008
Article & Photographs By Dina Ribaudo
The dream starts with me sipping a glass of Nicholas Feuilatte Champagne. I glide hazily into a large warehouse filled with enticing smells and swarms of chattering people. The crowd parts for me creating a clear path to who I recognize to be Chef Masaharu Morimoto. As I approach with a smile he respectfully bows his head, and unexpectedly shoves a spoonful of Mini foie gras chawan mushi into my mouth. It is at this moment that I realized I am not only awake, but one of the luckiest women in Manhattan. I am at New York magazine’s Tenth Annual TASTE.